Sunday, January 13, 2019



Let's Begin

       Man is God's best creation. This is because God has bestowed man with innumerable talents. God wants all of to use talents and not waste them. The talents are given to all but these are not the same in everybody. Each one has to discover, develop and use his/her talent fully and judiciously for the benefit of mankind. Wasting talent is a crime. It is nothing but irresponsibility and difference. If each one of us learn to use talents, we can play a significant role in the development and well-being of our society.

Let's READ

Use Your Talent, Five Coins Story, Gold Coins Story

    This is the story from the BIBLE. It is a parable, that is a story that teachers us something good. Once there lived a rich man. He had to undertake a long journey. Just before learning, he called his three servant and gave them a few gold coins each. To the first servants, he gave five gold coins, to the second one he gave two and to the third one he gave one gold coin. He told them to trade with the coins till he returns from his trip. He then left.
The three servants went and did as he wished. After a long time, the rich man returned. He called all three of them to find out what they had done with the coins he gave them. He called each one and asked for an account.
USE YOUR TALENT, Five coins Story, Gold Coin Story
Use Your Talent

        He found that the first servant had traded with his five coins and earned five more. The second servant too traded with his coins and earned another two. The third servant did not do any trade. He had simply dug a hole in the ground and buried his coin. He produced the coin just, as he had received.
    The rich man was very pleased with the first two servants. He told them to keep what they had earned together with what he had given them. As for the last servant, the rich man got so annoyed that he took away the single gold coin and gave to the one who had earned five coins. The rich man sent the third servants away.
The coins stand for talents given to us by GOD. These talents are to be used. If we use them they grow, otherwise they are lost.

MORAL - Make the best use of your talents.

             ''We have received many talents form GOD and we need to utilize them for the benefit of humanity. The talents are not to be kept in a safe or wasted. The real tragedy to use that talent. Learn to use your talents wisely, if you wish to bring out the best in yourself.''



                                                                                                          Harish Gupta......

Thank you so much for Reading...........................

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Akbar And Birbal


Hello Friends, Again Welcome Back To All OF You With a very Beautiful And Interesting Story. So Without Wasting Any time Let's Begin The Story..............

Here is a story about Akbar And Birbal. Birbal was a wise jester in the court of king Akbar. One Day, both Akbar and Birbal were sitting and talking about God. Akbar asked Birbal, "How can God have many names and yet be one?" Birbal Replied,  "Your Majesty, God is one. It is just that He is called by different names. Hindus call Him Bhagwan, Muslims call Him Allah, Sikhs call Him Satguru and Christians call Him Jesus Christ. Akbar was still confused and asked Birbal to explain further.
Akbar and Birbal, Akbar & Birbal story, Akbar And Birbal Story in english, Akbar and Birbal story in Hindi

Birbal said, ''Your Majesty, let me explain once more.'' Birbal saw a servant who was wearing a turban. He called  the servant and said,''Remove the turban and wear it around your waist.'' The servant did as was told.  Birbal said,''Your Majesty, we will call this piece of cloth a belt now, as it is tied at the waist.''
Then Birbal asked the servant to open the cloth and tie it below the waist. The servant did as was told. Birbal,''We would call this piece of cloth dhoti now, Your Majesty.''
Finally, Birbal told the servant to tie the cloth back on the head. The servant did so. Birbal said,''Your Highness, It is turban again, as it is tied on the head.'' Birbal thanked the servant and asked him to leave.
He then told Akbar,''Your Highness, You just saw how the same piece of cloth was given different names. Similarly, people address God by different names and in different forms, as is mentioned in their religion.''
Akbar And Birbal, Akbar And Birbal story in hindi, Akbar And Birbal story in english

Birbal  then took Akbar near the window and said,''water evaporates from water bodies and on reaching high altitude, the vapour cools down to form water droplets. The water droplets join together and are called clouds. When the droplets fall on the earth, we call it rain. Similarly, God is called by different names even through God Is One.'' Akbar was very happy and convinced. He told Birbal that  now he had understood clearly that God Is One.

People worship God In different ways. They go to different places of worship and say the prayer in different languages. However, the place of worship as well as the language in which prayer is said does not matter. What matters is the sincerity. We must pray for the heart with all diligence. God understands all languages. He does not need translations. Any prayer that is done warmth and sincerity, that is heartfelt, is surely answered by GOD at the RIGHT time.

Moral - God is ONE but is called by different names.

QUOTE -               ''God gave us the gift of like; 
                it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well."

Thank you so much for watching....

                   I hope you Like and enjoy this story......




             UTILIZING YOUR TALENT WISELY Let's Begin         Man is God's best creation . This is because God has bestowed ...